Improve Your Lifestyle to Reduce Breast Cancer Risk

breast cancer awareness month
You might be amazed to know there is a strong link between your lifestyle and breast cancer. Yes, there is a strong link. The way you do several chores of life including your eating habits, physical activities and drinking has a strong impact on your overall health and breast cancer risk. Breast cancer risk factors play a major role in decreasing or increasing your chances of getting breast cancer. If you eat well and maintain a healthy weight you will have less chances of getting this disease whereas eating unhealthy eatables will increase its risk.

Now-a-days, people are pretty much fond of eating fast foods as they offer cheap price rates and delicious recipes. Fast food contains harmful chemicals and unhealthy eatables that harm your body by producing free radicals in your body. Free radicals disturb the normal function of your body cells and can lead to a cancerous situation as well. Junk food can also put extra weight on your body which eventually can lead to obesity. Remember that the latest research has found obesity as a leading cause of breast cancer.
Being a woman, it is important to enhance your breast awareness by improving your lifestyle. As they say, it’s never too late when it comes to change your lifestyle routine, make sure you eat well and do regular exercises for a better life. You only require making simple and healthy changes in your lifestyle. By limiting or avoiding the use of alcohol, eating only fresh and natural foods like fruits, green vegetables etc will help you a lot to reduce breast cancer risk

Photo Credits: Akirsa, Flickr

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