Self Breast Check – The Perfect Way to Care

Why To Examine Breasts Every Month?

Most of the breast cancer cases are diagnosed by women themselves during monthly examination as this cancer found initially and treated immediately have higher chances to be cured successfully. Women breasts are likely to change every month before periods due to the hormonal changes, but these changes are normal most of the times so among these changes there are some unusual changes as well that need to be diagnosed as they take place because they may lead to the development of breast cancer. Learning how to perform effective self examination can help saving your life so learn three steps procedure to perform effective Selfbreast Examination.
When to Perform Self Breast Check?

It is advised to perform self breast check once a month almost a week after the periods when breasts are in their normal state without being tender or swollen. Menopausal women can select any day of the month which they can remember easily or it can be the first day of every month as it will be easier for them to remember. There must be adequate knowledge of usual and unusual breast changes so that women can distinguish the anomalies easily.  Doing self breast check keeps the women at ease when they stay in touch with their breasts they know every feature of the breast in detail and any change in any feature or part of the breast becomes obvious to them immediately.

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