Are you gaining weight after being diagnosed with breast cancer? Well, weight gain after diagnosis of this disease can be dangerous for your health. This is because overweight and obese women always have a higher risk of getting breast cancer. It is important to know how weight gain increases breast cancer recurrence so you can improve your breast cancer awareness.
According to latest research, obesity is one of the leading causes of breast cancer. A recent study has shown that weight gain after breast cancer may increase its risk of coming back. Being a breast cancer survivor, you will not wish to have recurrence of this disease so it is important to maintain a healthy weight throughout your life. A Study has revealed that an increased amount of weight gain for more than two years after breast cancer diagnosis may increase risk of its recurrence.
The study was made on more than 18,000 breast cancer survivors from the U.S. and China. Researchers found that there was an average weight gain of 3.5 pounds after two years of being diagnosed. Researchers revealed that one in six breast cancer diagnosed women gained an extreme amount of weight which was 10% more than her actual body weight. Study also revealed that women with an increased amount of weight gain after two years had a 25% increased risk of recurrence of this disease.
Reduce Your Extra Body Weight
It is a fact that obesity not only increases breast cancer risk, but it also increases risk of getting other diseases like diabetes and coronary diseases. You need to know what factors are putting extra weight on your body. One of major factors is your lifestyle. Your lifestyle has a great and strong impact on your overall health. For example, if you eat unhealthy or junk food, you will gain extra body weight. Lack of physical activity also plays a major role in increasing your extra body weight. It is important to perform healthy exercises to reduce extra body weight so you can have a low risk or an average risk of getting breast cancer.
Since being a woman, you are at risk of getting this disease at any stage of your life so it is important to be aware of your breasts. You need to examine them to know if there are any possible anomalies, which might be breast cancer symptoms.
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