Four Important Points You Should Know About Breast Cancer

Why it is important to know about breast cancer? Well, being a woman acknowledging this disease is a progressive step towards your road to wellness. As breast cancer has become a leading cause of cancer death in the UK, it is important to know its signs and take every possible step to increase your chances of survival. It is important to carry out breast examination on a regular basis so you can become aware of your breasts. You can further enhance your awareness by knowing the following five factors:

  1. Know the normal feel and look of your breastsDetection of breast cancer symptoms early helps a lot to cure it in an effective manner. By knowing what is normal for you it becomes easy to notice any unusual changes which might be breast cancer symptoms. Self examination can help you acknowledge the normal feel and look. It is important to consult your doctor and ask about the pros and cons of self examination.
  2. Be determinedIf you observe any unusual change, but your doctor and family members dismiss your concerns, you need to be persistent. Remember that there is no one who can know your breasts better than you. Also the changes you might feel will differ from changes felt by other women. You also need to know that in most cases, breast cancer is detected by women themselves.
  3. Get registered with your GPIt is important to get registered with you GP and discuss any usual or unusual change of your breasts with him/her. Your GP might refer any breast exam or test which you need to perform according to the prescribed guidelines. It is important to note down all changes in a diary along with your experience you get from regular self examination. This dairy will help your GP to know what is suitable for your breast health.
  4. Know everything about breast cancerIt is important to get as much information as you can about breast cancer like its signs, risk factors, stages, diagnosis, mortality, treatment and facts in the UK. According to Cancer Research UK, about one out of eight women develop this disease at some stage of her life. Around 50,000 cases are diagnosed each year in the UK. Statistics have shown that more than 80% of breast cancers are found in women over 50.

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