Save Your Breasts by Being Breast Aware

breast cancer awareness
Breast cancer has become a global epidemic and has affected lives of thousands of women In the UK this is due to a lack of breast awareness and low level treatment methods. Breast cancer has become a common disease in UK these days. If you are a woman you need to take special care of your breasts as caring for your breasts is an essential part of caring for your body. By being breast aware you can know how your breasts look and feel usually. This know-how helps you to detect any possible anomaly present in your breasts which might be a symptom of a disease like breast cancer.

Breast cancer risk factors
According to health professionals, there are certain ways to lower the risk of getting breast cancer. If you know breast cancer risk factors you can lower chances of getting this disease. Breast cancer risk factors are factors that can increase chances of getting breast cancer. There are various breast cancer risk factors. Some of them are mentioned below:

  • Gender: Being a woman is one of major risk factors that can increase chances of getting breast cancer. Although breast cancer can also affect men it is very rare compared to women. You cannot change your gender to evict the danger of getting breast cancer but you can change your lifestyle to lower the breast cancer risk.
  • Age: Your age can have a strong impact on your breast health. According to research reports, more than 80% of breast cancers are found in women over 50. Older women have high chances of getting breast cancer so if you are aged women between 50 and 70; you need to take special care of your breasts. NHS offers breast screening test like mammogram for women over 50 in UK.
  • Lifestyle: Your lifestyle is also an important factor that can increase the risk of getting breast cancer. For example, if you drink alcohol in excess, chances of getting breast cancer increases. Even if you put extra weight on your body, risk of getting breast cancer increases. It is better to live a healthy lifestyle by maintaining healthy diet and regular exercise.
breastlight - breast cancer awareness device
Breastlight and its helpful role in breast examination
While performing breast examination Breastlight can be used to examine your breasts in more detail. It is an effective and useful device that shows the internal structure of your breasts with help of its safe red light. The safe red light illuminates breasts and shows inner structure as pattern of dark lines which represent blood vessels and veins. This is a normal condition of your breasts.

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