Why Women Develop Breast Cancer?

The most common, and fatal disease in women is breast cancer .It is a disease of breast tissues that affects women more than men because tissues are more in their breasts as compare to men, however it affects men as well but the ratio is lower comparatively. The history of this disease is tracked back in 1600B.C.so it is one of the oldest ailments. There was no cure for this disease for a long time then initiative to treat this disease by removing affected breast tissues was taken by a Scottish, and French surgeon. 

Mutated DNA was attributed as the major cause of this disease, and according to some others exposure to estrogen and radiation causes this caner. As the time passed other reasons of breast cancer have been listed as well, and they include aging process as well. It is surprising however that aging process puts women at higher risk of breast cancer, but it is true because when a person age the vitality, strength, and health decrease. The cells in the body are no longer healthier, and strong in older women so they are more prone to have this disease. 

Personal as well as family history of a woman also increases the chances to develop breast cancer especially if close relative of a woman develops this disease before the age of 50. Early menstruation and late menopause also contribute to enhance the risk of breast cancer in women. Women with dense tissues in their breasts have higher risk because fat ratio in their breasts is more than others. Breast cancer awareness includes knowledge about the reasons of this disease so every woman should try learning about the reasons.

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