Women are advised to be breast aware for early detection of the cancer and they need to be active in this regard because without their active participation it is not possible to enlighten their awareness and it is a continuous procedure that needs to be updated on regular basis by staying in touch with the breasts. Self examination is one of the best ways to be in touch with breasts and constant contact with the breasts is of core importance to locate the anomalies which develop in the breasts anytime and are hazardous to health and life like if the abnormal changes are due o the cancer they can lead to the development of cancer in breasts.
Breast Anomalies
Breast anomalies are the changes in breasts that are not the part of normal breast development and growth and appear suddenly without any known reason that can lead to the various health complications such as one of the most common problem of women world breast cancer and most of the women notice the following changes.
- Lumps in the breasts, collarbone and armpit, although not all lumps are malignant as most of the lumps can be benign as well so it’s not necessary that all lumps are cancerous.
- Swelling in the armpit or in any part of the breast is abnormal and can be due to the cancer.
- Fluid discharge from nipple other than breast milk.
- Changes in the breast skin such as dimpling, puckering etc.
- Increased temperature of the breast.
- Inversion, ulceration or soreness of nipples.
A woman who knows about all these changes and related aspects in detail she can take better care her breasts so women should perform self breast exam in order to learn about the breasts for locating the anomalies as they take place.
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